Thursday, August 16, 2007


I can't help it- even though internet quizzes are silly, just knowing a quiz about Francesca Lia Block's books exists makes me feel all warm and drunky inside. If you haven't read the Weetzie Bat books yet you're missing out. They are the books I wish that I had when I was a kid- beautiful but dark, like shadows or sunshine through thunder clouds. Smells like bourgainvilla and tastes like sushi, unapologeticly deals with drugs, sexuality, death, angst, hope and the potential of magic- and without trite morality lessons.

Check out the Dangerous Angels anthology first; its the compliation of all the early books that introduce you to the wonderful cast of characters: Weetzie Bat, Dirk, My Secret Agent Lover Man, Cherokee Bat, Juan Angel and the lovely Witch Baby. Then a few months later read Necklace of Kisses- all about Weetzie as a grown up who runs away to the pink hotel, struggling with all she has been and learing to honor and trust her love and all that is yet to come.

Which Weetzie Bat character are you?

Take the quiz here.

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