This is an oldy but a goody, prompted by our discussion that the words "El Paso" in Arabic mean "his panties". Its pronounced more like "El Baso" because the Arabs don't have P sound and thus drink Bebsi on Beachtree Street. Don't even get me started on when they have to stop at the BB Gas Station.
We have ridiculously juvenile senses of humor around here. We love Arabic words that sound like naughty English words. Here is a list of some of them- we admit that some of them are kind of a stretch and some are used very rarely but are nonetheless, hilarious. Credit goes to Emil for his genius on the original version and Mohammad for proofreading this new version.
Yufakker (pronounced- You fucker): "he is thinking."
Wadthafak (wha-the-fuck) : if said as a question, means "did he hire you?, as a statement, means "he hired you." Example conversation: "Wadthafak Emil?" "La! Wathafak!"
Faqat (fuck-it): only
Faqr (fucker): poverty
Fuggham (Fugg 'em. Pronounce drunkenly): to permeate
Shitty (SHIT-Tee): winter (Lebanese dialect)
Faq (fuck): to knock out, gouge out
Fak (fuck): redemption
hur (whore): lake
Hur (whore): having eyes with a marked contrast of white and black. Example: "Reem wa Sara intu Hur."
Yufakk (you fuck): loosened
Shit (Shit!): to burn, especially food.
Fart (fart): excess or exaggeration.
Butt (butt): Duck
Dam: blood
Hauz (hoes): possession
homo: command to "go around" something, a house, a block. Example: "Mohammad! Laith! Luai! Homo fil souk!"
Please Let Me Know When and How We Get Paid For This
Btw are we gonna see this movie or what https://www. …
47m47 minutes ago
[image: Tarannosaurus Rex]
9 years ago
Air ("Ayer" pronounced as one syllable): dick
tease (teez): ass
And more to come when I have my dictionary in front of me!
Nick (pronounced "Neek", like a foreigner would say it): Fuck
tell anyone you know named Nick that they should go by Nicholas in the Middle East!
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! thank god you put this one up. Ah jeez. We rule.
Mladenka and I were walking downtown, and for some reason we began talking about how plural forms of English words can be very confusing for ESL students. Like "fish." It should be "fishes," why not? It would be less confusing. Which made me think of "fish" and "fishes" in Arabic.
Singular: samak.
Plural: as-maak, or "ass smack"
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