When I talked with Auntie Hadar on her birthday on Sunday, she told me how hard she had been working for the Obama campaign. "Every day! 9am to 9pm!" she told me with amazement-- though she assured me she took the day off for her birthday. She spoke proudly about "all the young people" (which likely includes people from age 10-49) who would arrive in buses from across Illinois every morning and then disperse to small towns in Wisconsin to door knock.
According to my sister Reem, after voting, Jiddu and Auntie Hadar went to Sam's Club to celebrate by eating samples. Apparently they were given lots of extra samples because like any skilled organizer, Auntie Hadar always carries lots of Obama buttons to give out.
I couldn't be more proud!
I love seeing people vote!! Especially our elders!
and I love this story. It reminds me of the time my grandma, who was 80 at the time, went with me to vote in the last election. I assumed she knew something about the candidates, but while we were waiting in line to vote she said very seriously "okay, which one is the democrat?" I told her and she said "Good, that's the one I want", she then proceeded to screw up her face and say "those Republicans are icky people"
What a lovely memory, Genia!
So I've been texting with my mom about them voting, and she says "Cant you image them? She pushing Jiddu in a wheelchair, Jiddu saying we should do this everyday!" Mom also says that Auntie Hadar wants to go to the Obama victory rally in (chicago's) Grant Park! They told her not to because it'll be a mob scene, but mom thinks she's gonna go anyway!
She's TOTALLY going to go! She told me yesterday on the phone, after relaying this same story to me =) It all made me so damn happy. Sara - I keep thinking of Lameis, saying shit like "Ahh, the American Dream!!" I get a bit teary-eyed thinking about this. Thanks so much for blogging this story! xxoo
By the way, I LOVE this picture - I love how everybody is looking at each other, smiling. Awww!
I love this picture, it just makes me smile looking at it. Especially my Mom's face, you can hear her laughing just by looking at it.
Its also funny that no one is paying too much attention and just laughing and talking.
I know! that's why I chose this picture! Your Mom is priceless, Luai. Its like a perfect captured slice of time- like a real depiction of what our family is rather than posing or whatever. My only question is- who took the picture? Everybody's there in it!
Thanks for posting Sara. Mom wants to go but it will be a mob scene from 7pm - midnight, in.the.cold.
Also, I am racking my brain trying to figure who took the photo...hmmm? It must have been someone tall.
This is such a great story! Pop, my great grandfather has been so thrilled this election season. He can remember when women got the vote and fighting for people of color to actually be able to vote and this year he could pick between the two (he's still disgusted by Hoover who taught him what it was like to live under a Republican)! Another first in this election season is from Pop himself----I've never ever heard him swear but he sure did call Sarah Palin a "bitch" before looking sideways at me and saying, "I mean, Heffer!" Heffer being pronounced "heffa" and used for those of any gender.
this family picture rivals any one ive ever seen. go jiddu for voting!!!
I thought the exact same thing when I saw the picture. Not only is it totally perfect with everyone laughing and smiling, but I loudly laughed out loud when I saw moms face....too pricesless.
I figured out who took the picture, one of the Jersey cousins. YES, I win!!!
Lameis! You're a genius! You're totally right. Good work!
Lulu, Pop sounds adorable- and i have been calling people I don't like lately "cows", which is almost as good as heifers!
Man your family is cool! Good for Jiddu and Auntie Hadar.
Great story. Wonderful photo. Yes, we can.
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