A community reportback on protests, police and arrested journalists at the Republican National Convention in Minneapolis/St. Paul, featuring on-the-scene video coverage of protests and arrests from Submedia (Vancouver). Submedia is also known as the great filmmaker Frank Lopez, who Atlanta sorely misses. ANd its not just for his legendary "Yer Momma" Halloween costume.
PepperSpray reporters went bravely into the melee, collaborating with Vancouver’s Lopez to issue a daily video report from the streets. Both PepperSpray reporters were arrested, as were so many other media workers, but now they are back, with a terabyte of video clips. Continuing the collaboration with Submedia, they have prepared a report-back from what Republican nominee McCain dismissed as the "Ground-noise and static."
Monday, October 20, 2008. 9pm. Free. At the Eyedrum.
Heh! I was just telling someone about "yer momma" I am sad I'm going to miss your legendary party again. Stay gangsta!
Heh! I was just telling my friend about "yer momma" I am sorry I am going to miss your legendary Halloween soiree. Stay Gangsta!
Oh, Frank I miss you! But you warm my heart with each of your update saying how you're out there fuckin shit up inthe best ways possbile- THANK YOU!!!
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