A few days later you realize that every time you pass the dining room table you grab a Baby Ruth to eat on the way to work, a Butterfinger to tide you over till dinner, a Snickers to compliment your otherwise boring lunch of a veggie sandwich and apple slices, a Reese's because Rock of Love Charm School is on, an Almond Joy because the phone rang...
2. To listen to The Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack on repeat in your office while you work for days. You sheepishly pause it when your coworkers come by to discuss important matters, but since its Wednesday they've totally already got you figured out.
3. To wear all black everyday accented with spider-based jewelry.
4. To daydream about Carnivals.
Of course, if you buy your candy too early.. you've already eaten it all and must buy more for Halloween!
I love you.
And thank god somebody else appreciates "Tis the Season." Just wait til Christmas...
I just want to let you all know that I just gave away the handful of candy I grabbed to get me through the work day to my favorite parking lot attendant. THAT's the spirit of Halloween, jerks! Sacrifices!
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